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Partner Spotlight: Other Monkey Brewing

We chatted to Other Monkey Brewing Co. about their partnership with The Colchester Half Marathon.

'As Other Monkey Brewing is based in the heart of Colchester it was clear we wanted to be part of and build the community into a space where we can all come together. Colchester Half Marathon is a celebration of that community hence we jumped at the chance to be involved.

If you don’t know about us, then pop in and say hello, we pride ourselves on being friendly and knowledgeable and on top of that we brew great beer.

For those who want instant info on us we are a brewery with our own taproom just off the high-street in Colchester, yes in the site formally known as “Jacks”. Founded seven years ago in the basement of our sister venue Three Wise Monkeys, but it is just little over the last year we have seen the brewery established as Other Monkey Brewing along with the Taproom, a new brewhouse, new brewers and loads of beer brewed right here in Colchester. From a basement operation we have expanded into our new site, with state-of-the-art brewhouse and a team of brewers dedicated to brewing our core selection of beers and wonderful special brews. Within the first year of brewing, we have established our core range; many of you will know our flagship Pale Ale, Great Journey Begins and our Vienna Lager, Torn from the Morning. We also like to brew the classics, from Altbier, Kolsch and Wheat beers to the modern favourites, the multitude of IPA’s and Sours. If you haven’t already, pop in and try our Salty Sour Gose, you’ll have never had a beer like it.

For fear of this sounding like a sales pitch I’ll curtail the corporate speak by ending with a final push. We host regular Tasting events, Quiz Nights, Music Nights and Meet the Brewer Events where you can geek out on all things beer. Every Thursday night is Curry night where you can enjoy a pint of OMB and a Curry for £10. Our taproom is also bookable for corporate, and all manner of events, we regularly host private tasting sessions for all levels of knowledge. We also give away free beer each week on Fridays which is ingeniously called “Free Beer Fridays”. Watch our socials for everything we do and how to be part of the community and bag free beer.

We have recently started our Monthly run club brilliantly hosted by Running Colchester, yes, we get funny looks “don’t you mean rum club” they say, “why would anyone want to run”.

Yes, every first Wednesday of the month is run club, a 5k run for all levels, you may have seen the posters “RUN OMB” in our windows. Come along and join in and grab a free pint afterwards. Why did we want to host a run club and give away free pints, well because it goes back to building a community and we have a growing list of expressions in the Brewery and Taproom and this one fits the best “it’s not hard to be nice”.

Oh and on the day of the Colchester Half Marathon, we are manning the water station at mile 3 in the town centre. We will be cheering you on and keeping you hydrated. Give us a wave as you run past and grab some water. Yes it will be water! No beer I'm afraid! However, you're always welcome to come and see us after the race and buy a beer.

Thanks for your time, we know it’s precious, but think of us if you ever want a friendly face to talk with and some delicious beer, or just want to pop in and say hello and see what is happening.


Aaron and the Other Monkey Brewing Team

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